Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mid Point Perspective

You were an ace at your company, promotions, money, fame and glory. Then you get into a top b-school, maybe even a few. You're about to embark in the journey of your life. You have so many o options for career paths. You may want to switch a career, or keep the one you had, you may even start your own company after school. Life is great, the world is your oyster.

Then an intense wave hits you and you try keeping your head above the water holding with one hand a 50 pound weight with "academics" printed on it and another with "recruiting" on the other hand, while your legs carry the ones with "socializing" on them.

Somehow along the year you may begin to lose the perception of what was it about you that was so special as you get beat down to a pulp made out of dried up silly putty. You'll get confused and may even lose sight of what it is that you really want to do as they tell you to expand your horizons and look at all the options. Then, just as you thought it will never happen, you get an offer for an internship, maybe even two and before you know it, the year's over.

You may think that you are not prepared, but you surprise even yourself when you see how well you are and how much you've learned this year. You feel good about yourself and even better if you came back with an offer.

Reporting from the mid point, these are just my two cents.
Discounted 9 months in order to adjust to a first year perspective, it comes out to around 1.3 cents.


MechaniGal said...

:) Very nice post, Mr.Root.
Time just whooshed away... and I see the harried faces of the FYs, I find myself telling them what our SYs told us - Trust the Process.

Julie said...

Thanks for the encouraging. The first paragraph is exactly how I felt this week... I used to be awesome. ;-)

Paragon2Pieces said...

Very true . . . and loved that ending :)

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